If you wish to make a payment on your mortgage, view your account details, or register for access, you have come to the right place!
COVID-19 Update
We are committed to helping our customers affected by the unexpected crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic, especially when it comes to your family and your most valued asset – your home. We are here to help!
The Best Way to Reach Us
1.855.232.8519 Toll Free
Agents are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
During this time of uncertainty, we have been experiencing significantly higher than normal call volumes. We are working to assist those who have been directly impacted. If you are trying to reach us other than payment assistance related to COVID-19, we ask that you use our website or submit your request to the Servicing Helpdesk (servicinghelpdesk@cchl.com).
Create an online account if you don’t have one.
Contact us via email at servicinghelpdesk@cchl.com.
In April, if your payment is due at the beginning of the month, you have time. If you haven’t experienced a decline in income, it’s best to continue making your mortgage payment, to avoid potential payment increases or the extension of time you will need to pay off your loan. This also provides us the ability to help as many customers as possible who are truly impacted by this pandemic. At Capital City Home Loans, we are suspending any penalties and late fees to allow more grace days over the next 90 days for those borrowers who may need a little extra time each month.
Still have questions? Whether it be how to set up your account, make a payment, or pay off your loan – Capital City Home Loans welcomes the chance to help you. Contact our experienced team of mortgage professionals today by calling toll free 855-232-8519 or 678-985-6877. Or fill out the form below and one of our friendly servicing specialists will be in touch with you shortly.